“Speak and act as those who will be judged by a law that gives freedom. For judgment is merciless for the one who has shown no mercy. But mercy triumphs over judgment.” James 2:12-13 The NET Bible
I learned in 2010 to keep my Scripture Memory to only one verse. So I will be posting and highlighting v 13 on Feb 15th. I read The Heavenly Man the story of Chinese Christian Bro Yun by Paul Hattaway where I first discovered this verse when I spotted the portion. Mercy Triumps over Judgement. As I read the story of Bro Yun and saw how he expressed his faith I was greatly encouraged in many areas. One of them was scripture memory for when the hard times come His Word will be embedded in my heart.
As I focus on verse 12 and see the word FREEDOM I realize the life of faith in Jesus Christ is the only place where TRUE FREEDOM abides. Praise the name of Jesus Christ and the blood He shed on the cross for me and all my sin. God came to earth in the form of man (Jesus) and lived a perfect life that though I am imperfect I have a role model to follow. Heaven is my eternal home. Hallelujah.
Heavenly Father Help me live today as I speak and act that will glorify your Holy Name. In Jesus name, Amen.
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