27. Living in Texas
28. The faith and belief of a young child
29. The sun shine after an early foggy morning.
30. I can see to read
31. Communication through the internet.
32. Reading Blogs of Encouragement
33. Making new friends from the blogs I read and comment.
34. The heat and cooling system that works in my home.
35. The sounds of birds singing as I walk out my front door.
36. Time God created as Holy
37. Giving Thanks before a miracles happen.
38. I have my own transportation when I need it.
39. The ability to pay for gas in my car.
40. God's angels protecting me on the freeway.
41. The sunlight shining in room through the curtains
42. The humming quiet of the washer and dryer.
43. Business opportunities
44. Chris Tiegreen's Devotional Book "Worship the King"
45. The touch of a friend
46. Daily choices
47. Reading a good book
48. Gonzo, our dog barking when somebody comes near the house.
49. The joy of Cooper's laughter at age 3
50. Eating dinner with family prepared by Ryan.
51. Moonlight as bright as day.
52. The Glory of God in the setting sun
53. Signs of Spring
54. Blooming Tulip Trees
55. Cell phone communication
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