Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sunday's Song - Praise His Name

Spring has begun in Houston, TX. Spring is a season of new beginnings. Spring in Houston exhibits in full view redbud trees and tulip trees in bloom. Yellow daffodils, hyacinths and the azalea's are springing to life with brilliant color.

I feel so blessed to have come through such a cold winter as we experienced this past season. Experiencing snow in Houston during December and again in late January is a major miracle after living in Houston since 1974 I know how seldom we see snow or it gets cold longer than two weeks out of the year.

I am so thankful for the Prevailing Power of Prayer in the lives of my family and friends. In God's amazing grace and mercy Les and I saw our beloved business partner's wife go through brain surgery this past Wednesday to clamp a growing aneurysm. From the time of the surgery Wednesday morning, March 10th with a six hour surgery during which his wife my precious friend experienced complications we continued to pray desiring the best but always prayed Lord we desire to Praise and Glorify your name no matter what.

From surgery on Wednesday she went into ICU until late this afternoon, Saturday my precious friend is now in a regular room. She is responding and improving every hour. I have sent out prayer request regularly and God is always Faithful. The song written and preformed by Sherri and Jeff Easter expresses it so well. Be blessed this Sunday as you view the video.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful graces of God. I prayed for your friend this morning. And I love the new look! Have a blessed Sunday! Love, Annette
